Providing Guidance and Advice to Parents of Serious Ballet Dancers

Why It’s Important To Review Your Summer Intensive Even If You Didn’t Like It



In all my years working in corporate America and owning my own businesses, do you know what was the most helpful feedback? The bad stuff! Sure, it was great to be told that someone thought I was doing a good job or that they liked the service we offered. That was great for validation that we were doing things right.

But, we know nobody’s perfect. And, when people took the time to tell me what I wasn’t doing right, that was even more helpful! Why? If no one tells you about the problem, how does it ever get solved?

The same goes for ballet summer intensives. We have gotten flooded with reviews that are overwhelmingly positive. Yes, we have heard the Miami City Ballet Housing is less than desirable and the food at Houston still sucks. But, most people have not only liked their summer program, most LOVED it. 

Every summer, though, there are kids who don’t love their program. Maybe they got misleveled? Maybe the teachers didn’t give clear corrections or feedback? Or, maybe the vibe just wasn’t what your dancer expected. 

So, if your dancer did not have the experience of their lifetime, or the fit just wasn’t there, we want to hear from you too! Think of it not as having undue influence on a decision, but rather providing an honest, clear eyed assessment of a program. 

I guarantee you that parents will thank you for your honesty!

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